M76, the Little Dumbbell Nebula, is a planetary nebula in the constellation Perseus. M76 is about 2,500 light years from Earth and is now classed as a bipolar planetary nebula (BPNe). 21x300sec fits exposures. Captured and combined in Nebulosity v2.4.0 software. Finishing touches done in PhotoShop. Telescope: Orion 8" 1000mm f4.9 Newtonian reflector. Mount: Orion Atlas EQ-G Guide Scope: Meade 800mm f10 reduced to f5 with Atik x.5 focal length reducer (ADM rings). Imaging Camera: Mead DSI Color 16bit camera with Peltier cooler modification. Guide Camera: Meade DSI Pro monochrome 16bit camera. Imaging camera in prime focus. Filtration used: Baader UV/IR Cut filter · Date/Time 2011:12:01 22:44:58 · Resolution 900 x 676
- Posted on
- Tuesday 29 September 2020
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